Sunday, February 06, 2005

The need to be many

I'll get to the point: "A man's family is an outcome of his need to be many".

The whole affair smells of the vedanta.

Of one being many and many being one.

[Tried writing a larger post, couldn't do it. Just three lines described the picture.]


Blogger Abhilasha Krishnan said...

I think we each carry inside us multiple selves... each responding to a different set of stimuli, each driven by a different cause... the need to recognize this multiplicity is manifested in our manifold worlds, both real and imagined...
At the same time, there is also the parallel need to understand these multiple selves and integrate it into a single appropriate response, a rational process for most part...

Same as the need to belong and yet be recognized as individuals... hence the flux... the need to be 'one' with another resulting in the endless quest for a soulmate and the need to leave a tangible proof of having existed resulting in being many...

6:27 PM  
Blogger Abhilasha Krishnan said...

No balance on the phone... :( ... was busy writing the story of my life for Prof Premu yesterday. Was toying with the idea of going public with it, but the shit may really hit the ceiling if I do.. kidding. May censor it and put it on the blog, but can't guarantee an interesting read...

Funnily enough, I find the mundaneness of daily living contains themes that are profound and universal in appeal... if only one has the 'ability to recognize' it... :-D

6:32 PM  

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